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NRP tries to ambush the Bundy Family. The America Happens Network is there to Ambush NPR

Vem Miller has been spending time at the Bundy Ranch, working on a new project with Mike Little and the Bundy Family. During that time, an NPR hack reporter tries to ambush the Bundy family.

For those following the Bundy Ranch story, for close to 30 years, the Government and its multiple agencies, like the BLM, the Bureau of Land Management, has been trying to destroy the American Rancher, especially in Southern Nevada. Just 30 years ago, there were 53 ranchers in that region. Today there is one left, the Bundy’s.

Thats because through a multi pronged war against ranchers, via so called environmental groups, via predatory government agencies, the rancher of Nevada has been quickly and utterly destroyed.

When the Bundy’s stood up against the Government tyranny, the government went out of their way to invest millions of dollars in persecution of the Bundy family.

The Nevada state public officials did not stand up for the Bundy’s until 1000s of people and militia members had poured into Clark County Nevada, in support of the Bundy’s.

For those paying close attention, our Federal and State Government officials have supported the destruction of the American Rancher, and thus have supported the UN and World Economic Forum Un-American Agendas. Only when the people actually stood up, only then did the State Government Support the ranchers over the tyrannical federal government.

The Government’s main stream news media mouthpieces continue to put out false and fraudulent pieces about the Bundy family, in order to sway public opinion, and to make another assault on the Bundy family permissible in the eyes of the public.

It is my belief, thats why this NPR reporter was sent. During this recent few weeks, many other reporters have descended upon the Bundy Ranch. This has occurred after a quiet period. This brings up the question, what is it that the Government has planned for the Bundy’s now? Why all the Mainstream News Media outlets suddenly focused upon the Bundy’s ?

This is Vem Miller, and Please continue to join us on our Rumble channel and our website at as well as our X account @americahappens1 and @notvemmiller

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The America Happens Network
Blood Money
Vem Miller founded The America Happens Network in 2007, seeking to create a network that is the anti-thesis of what the mocking bird media has to offer - transparent, seeking truth, abhorring censorship, investigating scum-baggery, exposing global tyrants